Wednesday 12 November 2014

Week 13: When I Became a Writer...

One of the first books I recall really enjoying was Captain Underpants. Does anyone remember that? Those books were the literary equivalent of a Dickens novel. Anyway, these books were a hilarious and enjoyable read, but the highlight of them were the comic books within the actual story. The two main kids, George and Harold, would create comic books based around a superhero they made up, named Captain Underpants. They would write out these comic books, make copies using the school copier, and sell them to their fellow students.

Well, in my youth, I loved comic books. I loved to read, write and I started coming up with my own comic books. It would all be about weird-looking superheroes that consisted of my friends and I. I would do these epic stories of adventure, mystery and guns - must be a southern thing, but everyone had guns. I didn't sell them like the kids did in Captain Underpants, but I enjoyed making them and reading them. Strangely, this desire to construct comic books, and the practice thereof, stayed with me well into high school.

Of course, before high school, I enjoyed writing stories and things of that nature, but it really hit me in high school. In the most socially-awkward time in my life, I found great solace in the works of the Douglas Adams and Mark Twain, as I have previously stated. I also kept up the writing (and every now and again, the cartooning) and enjoy every minute of it. While I want to make it in the film world and write screenplays and direct films and such, I would also love to write novels and just continue my fiction writing any way I can.

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