Wednesday 17 September 2014

Week 5 Storytelling: A Pirate's Life for Me

Johnny Longbeard had an ironic name. Johnny was a clean-shaven guy, but the name resonated better than Johnny Nobeard or Johnny Peachfuzz. Plus, when you're a pirate, a name that seems at least mildly threatening is better than being the laughing stock of every port you visit. Johnny Longbeard was no laughing stock.

He and his crew were actually just returning from a recent voyage when they were hearing intriguing stories of an island filled with giant creatures that had tons of gold hidden in their caverns, if anyone was brave enough to seek it out.

This story interested Johnny Longbeard, and he asked to hear more of these giants and this island. However, as time went on, the story seemed less appealing. From the sound of things, the giants were a little too fond of eating people. It's not to say that Johnny was scared. Johnny wasn't scared of anything, but these creatures just sounded a little too much to handle.

"What about all that gold?" one of his crewmen asked. Johnny Longbeard looked him in the eye, pondered a moment, and said, "There are easier, safer ways to get rich. Going to this island sounds too much like a real job."

Author's Note
I love these Sindbad stories and I like how he is basically a pirate...but a hero. Like Jack Sparrow. I wanted to take Sindbad, and make him more American. What's more American than being too lazy to get rich underhanded?

The stories came from The Voyages of Sindbad.

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