Tuesday 21 October 2014

Week 10 Storytelling: Spotless

The Coyote was pretty well infamous around the woods. He was notorious for his desire and knack for messing with his fellow animals. In fact, pretty much every other animal hated him for the trouble he would start and the tricks he would pull. However, because of his antics, he couldn't seem to make many friends, or fit in with the others (surprise, surprise). In fact, this was rather damaging to his family and their place in society. He would never admit to it, but this really hurt the Coyote, and so he thought it best if he would find a way to be like the other animals.

His chance came when a well-to-do deer frolicked on by. He thought to himself, "Maybe I could look like that deer, then they might accept me and my family as one of their own!" He caught up to the deer and asked, "Hello, deer. How did you get those lovely spots on your skin? I would like some, myself!" The deer looked at him strangely, expecting a punchline or some cruel jape to come out of the Coyote's mouth. When one never came, the deer thought up an ingenious idea.

"Get a couple of branches and start a fire with them. When the fire is blazing, you and your family need to stand next to it, and the sparks will give you spots." The deer's advice oddly made a lot of sense, so Coyote ran home to his family and told them the good news. "We're getting spots!" he yelped with joy. Everyone in the Coyote's family was excited and got right to work.

Once the fire was burning bright and hot, the Coyote called for his children to get close to the fire to get their spots. However, as they got close, and the sparks touched their skin, the spots were beginning to burn his children's skin. It got to the point where the children were burnt to a crisp, all black and charred. The Coyote howled in anger. In his rage, he grabbed a flaming branch and dragged it across the forest, setting the entire wood on fire.

"This will show the deer. This will show them all. This joke will keep them laughing."

Author's Note
I pretty much just recreated the story of Coyote Tries to Make His Children Spotted. The only changes I made were to add an emotional tie to the characters. It almost seems like the coyote is misunderstood, and the deer was just a jerk, because that's how I interpreted the actual story.


  1. Chase, I really liked this story! It was short, sweet and to the point, but with a good message! To me, the coyote seemed like the typical "bad boy/guy" in society that is a little rough around the edges, but desires to be accepted just like anyone else. He sees the "cool kids" who are well-likeable, i.e. the deer in this story, and wants to be just like them. But the cool kids are too stuck-up to help those beneath them, and instead the deer plays a really mean joke. I think this story really says a lot about our human desires and the roles of different people in society. Great job!

  2. Hey Chase, I really liked your version of the story and thought it was very applicable to many people in society today. The coyote reminded me of some people who may have been bullied too much and decide to overreact and "play a joke" on everyone which always seems to go too far. It is unfortunate that some people do not respond the correct way and take people seriously when they try to turn a new leaf. Awesome!

  3. Chase,

    This was a good story! I felt bad for the coyote but he did bring it upon himself since he was such a trouble maker. That deer really pulled a fast one on him though. The story had a big of a dramatic ending though since he burned the whole forest down! Dang! In a sense I agree that it seemed like the deer was just a jerk but really the coyote shouldn’t have messed with people so much.
    Good job!
